Behind the Scenes: Digital Twinning at TPN

August 19, 2024
3-4 min read
Need to Know

At TPN, we've always been at the forefront of helping clients visualize their event spaces. With our digital twin approach, we're taking things a step further.

TPN’s journey into digital twinning began with a simple yet powerful idea: How can we take our 3D assets and bring them into a Web3 platform? With our deep experience in creating CAD drawings and 3D renderings, our team saw the potential in this technology to revolutionize how we plan and visualize events. We recognized that by enabling clients to step into a real-time digital twin of their event space, we could offer an unprecedented level of detail and interactivity very early in the process.

Because TPN has always been about creating immersive experiences, the shift to digital twinning was a natural evolution as it allows us to create those experiences in real time. Whether it’s audience seating, stage layout, video content, lighting, or sightlines, our clients can now walk through their event space exactly as their attendees will experience it and change it on the fly before anyone sets foot onsite.

How We Bring Digital Twins to Life

So, how does digital twinning work? It all starts with a virtual representation of any object, person, place, or process—whether it’s real, planned, or just a concept. In most cases, we begin with a CAD drawing or process map, but we can work from almost anything, even a sketch on a beer coaster.

Step one is laying out an accurate, to-scale representation of the plans in a 3D application. We add as much detail as possible to ensure the virtual environment mirrors the real thing. Once the 3D data and objects are ready, we import them, where we add final textures and details. Finally, the digital twin is uploaded to digital streaming servers for the client's first review and virtual walkthrough.

This process allows clients to experience the space in real time, to see how it will look and feel, and make adjustments as needed to improve the attendee experience. It’s game changing to be able to step into the future and make changes before the event even takes place.

The ability to view and plan event designs in real time within a virtual twin build is the next logical step from traditional 3D renderings, and clients have been quick to embrace this new technology. Digital twinning offers a level of immersion that simply wasn’t possible before. From lighting and video to seating and signage, clients can see everything just as their attendees will experience it, avoiding those “next year we should…” moments.

Like any new technology, some clients are hesitant and are trying to get used to the idea of planning in a virtual environment. But the benefits quickly become apparent once they see the technology in action. While digital twinning is still relatively new in the event planning world, our team believes that it’s here to stay. We’ll still rely on CAD for the critical information it provides and its role in the permitting process, but for design, reviews, and revisions, digital twins are going to change everything.  

Our team at TPN is leading the charge, and we couldn’t be more excited about what’s to come. The future of event planning is here, and it’s more immersive and interactive than ever before.